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Backpacking to a campsite and camping with groups is about more than just a safer way to try an outdoor adventure. It's therapy.

From the intentional way you pack and prepare your campsite; to the way you collect firewood as a team and get a campfire started; to the conversations you participate in or just listen to, there's nothing better for your mental and emotional health than camping with a group.

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Why go camping & backpacking with anyone else?

With the all-new MORE 2 Membership, overnight group camping & Rydeshares are $0. Plus, all the benefits of MORE are included.

Get your membership today for just $24/month.

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© 2024. All Rights Reserved. Outerthere Adventures LLC. Outerthere's very first trip ever was a hosted backpacking trip in October 2012. We called it MiniOcktoberfest and it's been operated continuously since.