Mission Home - About The Agency

About The Agency

The Adventure Scouting Agency (ASA) exists because professional outdoor guiding companies are prisoners to one of the most chilling, anti-fun forces on the planet - insurance companies.

They need safe adventures to take their clients on so they can make money safely. So, where can they turn to for trip concepts? 

Actually, they probably figure things out themselves.

But, what if the idea is really ridiculous and probably too dangerous for their own staff? Who can they turn to then?

The ASA was created to test adventure concepts for these professional outdoor guiding companies.

Our job is to figure out how to escalate things as far as they can go.

To go way off-the-rails because we can.

We're the ones that put the "extra" in "going the extra mile". 

Operational Guts

The ASA works for major outdoor adventure companies which we cannot tell you about because it's all super confidential and hush-hush. Like, if you found out who they were, you may lose all respect for them for even thinking about hiring us to help them figure this stuff out.

So, right, the ASA helps our clients develop new adventure concepts.

That process starts with our often-reckless Agents-In-Charge (AICs) who'll do brief test runs, sketch some things out somewhere, then invite other Agents in teams of 2 or more to carry out "missions" with absolutely no assurances to safety.

Some missions are so good, that our clients can't wait to hurl their guests at them for obscene amounts of money.

Others will never be attempted again. 

But if you find yourself on an adventure that reeks of lunacy but somehow still feels safer than you expected, just know that was the ASA... except, it'll probably be insured. 

Who are the Agents?

If the idea of having zero details about your adventure makes you feel anxious, the ASA is not for you.

But if the prospect of jumping head first into a hole in the ground and discovering a huge cavern full of insects elicits instant arousal in your nether regions, you might just be the kind of special person best suited to become Adventure Scouting Agent (Agent).

Agents always work in teams of 2 or more. If you are not part of a team at registration, you will be matched with other Agents. Then, it'll be you and your team's job to find out if an adventure concept is possible, and if so, to figure out where the kinks are... so others don't.

The ASA has no insurance. Agents get injured. And when they do, they'll probably enjoy it.

And only when a team of Agents have confirmed a high-fun-to-low-risk-of-death ratio, is the adventure concept presented to other guiding companies.

Bean counters and insurers are happy. And rest assured, thanks to the ASA, you'll be happy you tried it, too.

For their troubles and likely injuries, Agent teams receive modest cash awards and exclusive swag.

But the most valuable thing they earn is a legendary story they can tell and retell every single person they'll meet for the rest of their lives. And the knowledge that the crazy sh_t they did probably saved the life of a basic tourist somewhere.

So, are you ready to join the ASA? Register to complete a mission.

The Team

  • Agent 1

    Says little. And when he does, rarely says no. Owns horses. Breaks them all in himself. Coined, "side mission". A gentleman.

  • Agent 2

    Approximately 20 broken bones over 12 years scouting. Expert at nothing and has not learned any lessons.