Why Add Your Hike On Outerthere v3
Updated Sep 2024
Use our waivers. Just because your hikes are free doesn't mean you're not liable for the safety of your guests, including minors. And who has the money to hire a lawyer to create one? Use Outerthere's state-of-the-art waiver and digital tracking to set up one of your most important layers of protection.
Keep more of your cash by using our cancelation policy. A weak or non-existent refunds and cancelation policy can mean the difference between a profitable hike or a total loss. Don't leave your cancelation policy as an after-thought.
Host-friendly rentals. If you can't/won't spend hundreds upfront to make reservations for unreliable, flaky guests, then your business won't grow. Luckily, any amenities you add-on to your hike on Outerthere - including van rentals, kayak rentals and/or camping rentals - won't require you to spend upfront. Ask your onboarding representative for more information.
Certifications that pre-qualify you for seasonal insurance coverage. You've earned your outdoorsy license or certifications - Great! But since you've just invested $1,000+ on that, you don't have enough to cover insurance. Luckily, Outerthere offers 3 programs designed specifically to pre-qualify you to get seasonal coverage for your business, The Host Accelerator Program, The Welcome Pledge and Wilderness First Aid training. Ask your onboarding representative for more information.